
Communicating with Virtual Characters

Written by Nadia Magnenat Thalmann et al. (external)

Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Prem Kalra, Marc Escher

MIRALab, University of Geneve, Switzerland

Keynote talk in English
WSCG 1998
February 12, 1998
University of West Bohemia


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This paper sketches an overview of the problems related to the analysis and synthesis of face to virtual face communication in a virtual world. We describe different components of our system for real-time interaction and communication between a cloned face representing a real person and an autonomous virtual face. It provides an insight into the various problems and gives particular solutions adopted in reconstructing a virtual clone capable of reproducing the shape and movements of the real person?s face. It includes the analysis of the facial expression and speech of the cloned face, which can be used to elicit a response from the autonomous virtual human with both verbal and non-verbal facial movements synchronised with the audio voice.

keywords: virtual human, virtual face, clone, facial deformation, real time facial animation, autonomous virtual human, virtual dialog, phoneme extraction, 3D feature points.

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