
Human in the Loop and Ubiquitous Computing: Technologies for the Virtuality, Continuum and Intelligent Environments

Written by José L. Encarnaç?o (external)

José L. Encarnaç?o

Fraunhofer-Institute for Computer Graphics, Darmstadt, Germany

Keynote talk in English
WSCG 2002
February 7, 2002
University of West Bohemia


presentation slides (16MB PDF)


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The talk will give an short overview about some observations that can be made in the computer graphics area at the moment. Although the complexity of the data, the networks, the presentation devices is increasing at enormous rates, the standard user interface has hardly unchanged for about 20 years. Therefore the key aspects for the coming research topics will be identified. These topics will be the basis for further analysis of the expected research directions. In order to structure the analysis the research directions will be analyzed using roadmaps. These roadmaps cover three different views onto the research: technological, faculty and application view. Based on the current research the technology roadmap will give an overview of the research until 2006. The developed technological visions will be used to develop the roadmap for new departments within the computer science faculties. The presentation will conclude with an overview about the market segments that can benefit from the presented technologies and a roadmap for the applications that will be developed using the new technology.

The talk will give an short overview about some observations that can be made in the computer graphics area at the moment. Although the complexity of the data, the networks, the presentation devices is increasing at enormous rates, the standard user interface has hardly unchanged for about 20 years. Therefore the key aspects for the coming research topics will be identified. These topics will be the basis for further analysis of the expected research directions. In order to structure the analysis the research directions will be analyzed using roadmaps. These roadmaps cover three different views onto the research: technological, faculty and application view. Based on the current research the technology roadmap will give an overview of the research until 2006. The developed technological visions will be used to develop the roadmap for new departments within the computer science faculties. The presentation will conclude with an overview about the market segments that can benefit from the presented technologies and a roadmap for the applications that will be developed using the new technology.

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