
Compression of engineering data represented by hexahedrals

Written by Sebastian Krivograd (external)

Sebastian Krivograd

University of Maribor, Slovenia

Seminar in English
June 5, 2007 at 9:30
University of West Bohemia, UK417


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In this talk the new lossless compression method for compression of hexahedral meshes used in engineering is presented. The new method is divided into two main steps: topology compression followed by entropy compression. The topology compression is also divided into two steps: in first step the boundary of the mesh, represented with quadrilaterals, is compressed. In second step the hexahedrals are compressed with help of the already compressed boundary and five commands, where one is mainly used. The topology compression algorithm was compared with up-to now known best method and turn out to give better results with bigger meshes. As we are compressing the engineering FEM meshes geometric and application-specific data must also be losslessly compressed. As general purpose compression methods are usually used for compression of FEM meshes we compared our method with the popular PkZip and we achieved considerably better results.

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